Monday, August 19, 2013

Premature Ejaculation: what is it? why it develops? what it means in a man's life ? how to reduce and treat this problem?

Premature ejaculation consists in the reduction of ejaculation's control. To avoid or treat this, here's a simple tip to get a better sex life. 

Premature ejaculation is a common problem nowadays. Its causes are genetics, aging and stress factors. Men who suffers from this disease eventually have personal problems and even professionals due to the low self-esteem.
One of the solutions to this problem arose due to the involuntary loss of urine in some kidney patients. A doctor called Arnold Kegel, discovered that an exercise focused on the stimulation of a particular muscle, causing retention of urine, which solved the problem, and still had another bonus effect, which is to increase the erection and delay ejaculation. This muscle called "PC" or "pubococcygeus" is exercised for example when a person urinates. Upon exiting the urine through the urethra, trying to block the exit of this is made by the PC muscle. Attempts to exit the urine and blocking it stimulates this muscle.

This exercise called Kegel, in honor to the doctor, can be accomplished without the act of urination, only by stimulation of the pc muscle. The method is simple. Imagine you are urinating and try to block the flow, this lock is made ​​by pc muscle and its contraction repetions have the desired effect of reducing premature ejaculation. Try as many contractions as you feel confortable. If not sure, just try ten successive contractions, and then with time increase the number. Make this method in a relaxing position, breathing normally. Another variation of the exercise is by holding the contraction about 5 seconds, relaxe and then repeate, over 5 repetions to as many you feel confortable. 

 Every man can do this, just do not give up, results appear over 3 weeks, of everyday Kegel 's exercices. I assure you that many sex lifes were tranformed for much better performances.

Another option is to make a cirurgical procedure which consists in the insertion of a artifial structure that inflates when the man starts sexual intercourse; or the usage of pharmacological products, the so well knowned "blue pill". 

In any case, if you don't get results, you might need to see a doctor.
I wish you good luck!

by Rafael Cardoso


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